De Anza Elementary School Home


Vision Statement

De Anza Elementary School is a No Excuses University school so we strive to prepare our students for 21st-century skills and equip them to be college bound. We also persevere to instill the SIRR values (Safety, Integrity, Respect, & Responsibility) in each of our students. We create an environment for your child to flourish and learn to work through their struggles, to find the possible in the impossible with your help as parents by partnering with the school.


  • 380+
    Students Enrolled
  • 5+
    Student Extracurricular Activities
  • Before and After School Programs
  • PBIS Behavior Incentives
  • Community Engagement Opportunities
  • Monthly School Events and Activities

Upcoming Events calendar

Photo Gallery

Japan was represented

Multi Culture Fair displayed Japan

Multi Culture Fair

Multi Culture Fair with Families

Italy was represented

Multi Culture Fair displayed Italy

Australia mask

Fifth graders displayed Australia

Germany was represented

Multi Culture Fair displayed Germany

Students making words.

Let's Make Words!

NEU Flag Run

Monthly Flag Assembly

Game Day Fun

Game Day Fun!

Art in action.

Let's Paint!

Math on the board

Let's Talk Math!

Parents on a mission.

Parents on a Mission!

students drawing with chalk

Chalk Walk Fun!

students showing shoes

Crazy Sock Day!